
Stories for August 2014

Friday, August 29

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Unemployed find help at Our House

Kinfolks Community Empowerment and Sustainability Program's chief aim is to provide jobs and other resources to residents of Mosby and other public housing communities and to empower them to move into permanent housing.

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Back-to-school challenges

Academics, buildings top Richmond’s list

More than 23,000 Richmond students will pour into classrooms next Tuesday to begin the new school year. And as usual, the city’s schools face an uphill climb.

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Personality: Donté A. McCutchen

Spotlight on chairman of H.E.L.P.

Donté Antwon McCutchen travels the city seeking to engage in conversations on a highly sensitive topic most people want to ignore — sexually transmitted diseases.

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Two back-to-school shoe giveaways scheduled

There will be two options for families who cannot afford new shoes for their students, thanks to area churches.

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Beyoncé shows out

Jay Z, Blue Ivy present her with award

The leading ladies of pop music, notably Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus, dominated the MTV Video Music Awards.

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Chicago team in league of their own

Jackie Robinson West baseball stands out for two glaring reasons: Because it is so good and because it is all black.

Monday, August 25

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141-year-old church clears $1M debt

The nearly 300-member house of worship on South Side held a ceremonial mortgage-burning ceremony.

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She's a Little League winner

Chicago squad also a standout

Mo’Ne Davis is taking the sporting world by storm with her pitching in the Little League World Series.

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McDonnell seeks to discredit prosecution's case

The ex-governor and his defense team quickly went to work to shoot holes in prosecutors’ claims that Mr. McDonnell participated in a secret gifts-for-political favors scheme while in office.

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High court halts gay marriage in Virginia

On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court stepped in to keep the first same-sex marriages from happening in the Old Dominion.

Friday, August 22

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Virginia Beach Africana festival this weekend

Learn about African-American traditions and culture.

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Differing versions of fatal shooting compound problems in Ferguson

Eyewitness accounts broadcast widely have helped keep the pot boiling amid claims that Mr. Brown had his hands up when he was gunned down Aug. 9.

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TJ Vikings looking for victories

Coach Chad Hornik’s checklist for Thomas Jefferson High football is nearing completion.

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City dragging it

Officials in no rush to fix schools.

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Personality: Channing J. Martin

Chairman of the board of United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg

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Thomas Edmonds Jr., succumbs at 68

He was pioneer in Richmond retail.

Thursday, August 21

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Sharpton urges Ferguson citizens to be ‘disciples of justice’

The Rev. Al Sharpton hopes the Michael Brown case will help change the way police engage the African-American community in this Missouri community and elsewhere.

Tuesday, August 19

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Happily Natural Day

Festive weekend event

Monday, August 18

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Personality: Nikisha D. Ross

Spotlight on founder of nonprofit P&B Club that helps those in need.

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Jason Hatcher key to Washington’s pass rush

If you want to catch butterflies, get a net. If you plan corralling horses, find a lasso. If you need to snare quarterbacks, call someone the likes of Jason Hatcher.

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Huguenot hoping to regain lost glory

For right now, Huguenot ranks among the most difficult coaching jobs in Virginia, while construction crews put finishing touches on the new Huguenot next door.

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Henrico Hitters win Black World Series

The Henrico Hitters are the champions of the 2014 Black World Series.

Chesterfield Jayhawks capture national title

The Chesterfield Jayhawks have won the nation’s top prize for sixth-grade basketball.

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Again — Rage against police for civilian killing

People in the small predominantly black city near St. Louis began rioting and looting after the Saturday shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown Jr.

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Black officers forced out of Army at higher rate

The Army is reducing its officer corps and the forced culling is taking a bigger toll on black officers than those of any other ethnic group, according to Army personnel documents.

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Study: Harsh policies liked if black people are target

A new study suggests that public support for harsh criminal justice policies rises if those policies ensure more black people are kept behind bars.

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365 Black Awards salute motivators, activists

From inspirational motivators and community activists to a business owner and a former athlete, the 2014 recipients of the McDonald’s 365 Black Awards cover the spectrum of altruism.

Down Home Family Reunion Saturday

Put on your dancing shoes, grab the kids and bring a hearty appetite.

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Minister: Arrest records a barrier after rights restored

According to the Rev. Hasan K. Zarif of Richmond, a coordinator for Goodwill Industries of Central Virginia who helps felons re-enter society and regain their rights, a clear arrest record is a problem that hits home for tens of thousands of Virginians who have had brushes with the law.

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Jesus’ portrayal in new TV comedy draws fire

Is it a new way to spread the Gospel message? Or is it blasphemy?

Concert at Westwood Baptist

Music, poetry, dancing and more.

Friday, August 15

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Democrats choose Dance

She is the nominee to replace Marsh

Petersburg Democrats strongly backed Delegate Rosalyn R. Dance to be the Democratic candidate for 16th District Senate seat, previously held by Henry L. Marsh III.

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Washington training camp is a business flop

If success means attracting people, then the Washington NFL franchise’s training camp is a winner. But if success is measured by economic activity, the camp does not appear to make the cut.

Testimony: McDonnell filed false loan documents

It may be the most damning evidence against former Gov. Bob McDonnell.

State NAACP stays mum, ineffective

Monday marks six months since King Salim Khalfani was ousted Feb. 18 as the executive director of the civil rights organization. Still, there is no sign the Virginia State Conference of the NAACP is ready to replace its fiery former head or has any interest in doing so.

Snafu temporarily halts Dance

Rosalyn R. Dance is still waiting to pop the champagne.

Second back-to-school event to offer free student supplies

Richmond students who still need school supplies will have another opportunity this weekend to get them without charge.

RPS facing $1 million city bill for stormwater

Amid all of its other problems, the Richmond School Board is now facing a $1 million charge for stormwater control.

McAuliffe ignores name controversy

Gov. Terry McAuliffe did his best Robert Griffin III imitation in dodging the controversy over the Washington football team’s racist nickname.

Governor steps up focus on children

Gov. Terry McAuliffe is forming a new “Children’s Cabinet’’ to focus on improving conditions for youths in Virginia.

First gay weddings in Va. next Wednesday?

Gay marriages could begin in Virginia next Wednesday, Aug. 20, — far sooner than expected.

Control of state Senate at stake in Tuesday vote

Voters in southwest Virginia will cast ballots Tuesday to determine the balance of power in the state Senate.

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Big trouble for schools

Immediate need: $29M to keep buildings usable

Worn-out equipment needs to be replaced, but Richmond Public Schools has no funds to pay for as opening day for the new school year looms.

Wednesday, August 13

Richmond youth team wins national hoops title

The nation’s No. 1 basketball team for players under 10 years of age is based right here in Richmond.

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Serena wins

Serena is ready for the U.S. Open

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Question mark surrounds key man in Washington defense

If you were to create a football category called “unfulfilled promise,” Keenan Robinson might be at the top of the list.

Tuesday, August 12

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Personality: Tanya Free

Tanya Free is carving her own niche in the radio talk show world.

Friday, August 8

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He operated once popular Lunch Box

William Edward Johnson

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Chestefield girl, 13, champion of national deacons' oratory contest

Miss Mikayla R. Meekins wins national deacons' oratory contest

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Honoree's team wins benefit softball tourney

Ricky Warfield wins softball tournament

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Shameful treatment of president

No president has been treated so harshly.

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Too many still suffer wrongful convitcion

Innocence can be worth quite a lot.

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Victory for affirmative action

Fresh life to affirmative action

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African summit is a big deal

This meeting will help improve the public perception of Africa.

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Still on firsts

Why are we still, in 2014, celebrating "firsts"?

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Do nothing Congress

We blame House Republicans for this fiasco.

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Our Choice

For 22 years, legendary civil right attorney Henry L. Marsh III held the seat.

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National Night Out

Neighbors and police officers gather for National Night Out.

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Eric Cantor quits

Eric Cantor is looking for a job

NSU, VSU expect to enroll 400 to 500 fewer students this year

Fewer students enroll at NSU and VSU

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16th Senate race

Voters to speak Saturday on Democratic nominee

Now it's up to the voters.

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Focus on Africa

President welcomes 49 leaders to White House

President Obama is promoting business relationships between the United States and African countries.

$20M lawsuit

Claim: Disabled Children abused, mistreated at schools

Students locked in classrooms, unattended.

New brewery coming to the city?

Bring us your cold brewed beer.

Monday, August 4

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Personality: Michael L. Berry

Spotlight on Metropolitan Junior Baseball League commissioner

Next week, hundreds of young baseball player from near and far will pour into the Richmond area.

Friday, August 1

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Put a ring on it

Gays entitled to wed in Va., court rules

In a 2-1 ruling issued Monday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals enjoined the clerks of state courts from enforcing the ban, clearing the way for same-sex marriages.

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Will the jury believe star witness in McDonnell case?

Jonnie Williams came out swinging in testimony that could land former Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, behind bars for decades.

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Trailer park heroine

18-year-old aids neighbors facing eviction

18-year-old aids neighbors facing eviction