
State NAACP convention addressed issues

11/7/2014, 4:25 p.m.
The Virginia State Conference NAACP continues to address important issues that impact our members and people of color across the …

The Virginia State Conference NAACP continues to address important issues that impact our members and people of color across the commonwealth. Our recent convention in Chesapeake not only was the largest gathering of civil rights advocates and supporters in the commonwealth, it also was a homecoming of sorts for the NAACP family.

Delegates traveled from all across the state for workshops addressing redistricting, voter ID requirements, restrictive voter laws, trends in education, disparities in public school discipline and advocacy training. One of the most dynamic workshops, led by a team of attorneys and the Virginia State Police, dealt with understanding the rights of citizens when interfacing with law enforcement.

Delegates reaffirmed their commitment to employment and procurement opportunities for African-Americans at state-supported colleges and universities. They resolved to increase their lobbying efforts to expand Medicaid to the working poor. The delegates approved resolutions to lobby for increasing the minimum wage to a living wage and to demand legislation mandating use of body cameras and dashboard cameras by law enforcement agencies throughout the commonwealth.

The delegates also passed a resolution calling for greater accountability and transparency from the conference’s Executive Committee through creation of a strategic plan detailing physical and logistical changes to the state NAACP office, operations and staffing.

We thank all of our attendees, supporters and friends for making the 79th annual convention a rousing success. We look forward to 2015 in Richmond!


Bowling Green

The writer is director of administration for the Virginia NAACP.