
Personality: Michael R. Jackson

Spotlight on Richmond First Club president

10/17/2014, 6 a.m.
Michael R. Jackson, a forensic accountant, is the president of the Richmond First Club and has been involved with the …
Michael R. Jackson

Three P’s play important roles in Michael R. Jackson’s life.

“Identify your passion, know your purpose and keep the proper perspective.”

That’s how Mr. Jackson, president of the Richmond First Club, steers his life.

The forensic accountant has been involved with the nonprofit since 2011. The organization, founded in 1919, seeks to be “the leading civic organization to conduct research into major issues and policies that affect the Richmond metropolitan area,” according to its website.

Mr. Jackson has undertaken increasing responsibility with the organization, starting with his election as treasurer in 2012. In September, he was elected to a second term as president.

The club’s recent guest speakers have included a bevy of state and local officials focusing on everything from government and schools to transportation and crime.

Mr. Jackson said the group’s main goal is to build bridges between current and future leaders. “It doesn’t have to be a formal passing of the baton,” he said.

“At any given club meeting, we have 10 to 15 dynamic college students. Just by being around these experienced leaders, these young people gain so much.”

Another big item on the club’s agenda is nonpartisan redistricting. The group seeks to inform the public about the redistricting process.

Last week, a federal court panel found that the Republican-controlled General Assembly had illegally packed Democratic-leaning black voters into Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District represented by Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott. The overload reduces the influence of black voters on congressional elections in adjacent districts.

“There are many of these stacked districts where people don’t have a real choice,” Mr. Jackson said.

Next month on Election Day, the club will have volunteers handing out brochures to voters, informing them about redistricting.

“We need a groundswell from the people,” he said.

Mr. Jackson said he finds Richmond to be a great place because of its location and quality of life.

“You can just as easily visit the beach as the mountains,” he said.

People also are willing to accept transplants to the area, the Indianapolis native observed.

He said the Richmond area’s “movers and shakers” have welcomed him.

“And that’s not always the case everywhere,” he said. “I’ve had only positive experiences.”

Meet this week’s Personality, Michael R. Jackson:

Date and place of birth: July 1 in Indianapolis.

Current home: North Chesterfield.     

Alma mater: North Carolina Central University, bachelor’s of business administration in accounting.

Family: Wife, Vera; son, Michael III, 11; and daughter, Jasmine, 9.

When and how I got involved with Richmond First Club: In 2011, I was invited to a Wednesday luncheon by a good friend, Rayford Harris Jr., and had such a great experience that I joined the very next month.

When elected and length of term: 2014, elected as president for a one-year term.

Why I wanted to serve as president: I am truly passionate about the unique opportunity presented to RFC to engage former, current and future leaders of the Richmond region in productive conversations about relevant issues affecting our community.

Richmond First Club’s mission: To be the leading civic organization to conduct research into major issues and policies that affect the Metropolitan Richmond area; to provide a public forum for discussion; to raise public awareness; and to advocate specific solutions.

Membership requirements: Complete membership application and pay the annual dues of $95.

Club’s top project now: Advocating for nonpartisan redistricting solutions for Virginia.

Why I am excited about this organization:  Its history, prestige and unique membership give it the potential to utilize its voice to advocate for reasonable and fair-minded solutions that will advance the region. This organization provides an opportunity for elected officials, business leaders, college students and citizens to be informed about relevant issues affecting Richmond.

Role of club in politics: The Richmond First Club and its members recognize the role politics plays in the day-to-day lives of the citizenry. RFC seeks to make all welcome by striving to be nonpartisan in the selection of speakers and topics for meetings. Balance has always been a hallmark of RFC and its leadership.

Richmond’s most pressing challenge: Identification and implementation of a nonpartisan solution to redistricting.         

How I start my day: Preparing breakfast for my wife and kids before they go off to school. I am still trying to please my daughter by making oatmeal like her Mommy does.

Three words that best describe me: Methodical, thoughtful and sincere.

Nobody knows that: Contrary to my name, I can’t dance.

The one thing that I can’t stand: Unfairness.

Persons who influenced me the most: My mom and dad and Stevie Wonder.

Book that influenced me the most: “The Souls of Black Folk” by W.E.B. DuBois.

What I’m reading now: “Swagger” by Lisa Bloom.

Best time of my life: Delivery room when each of my children was born.

Next goal: To master the art of cooking oatmeal to Jasmine’s satisfaction.