
Everett Ward named president of St. Augustine’s

Free Press wire reports | 4/16/2015, 8:27 a.m.
Everett B. Ward has been named the 11th president of St. Augustine’s University. “The lifeblood of St. Augustine’s runs through …
Dr. Ward

Free Press wire report


Everett B. Ward has been named the 11th president of St. Augustine’s University.

“The lifeblood of St. Augustine’s runs through my every vein,” said Dr. Ward, 56, an alumnus of the historically black institution in Raleigh, N.C. “I have a long affiliation here, having been born on the campus. My father attended St. Aug’s. We have been part of this institution for generations.”

The former N.C. Department of Transportation administrator and state Democratic Party director, was credited with bringing stability to the 148-year-old university after former President Dianne Suber was ousted by the trustees in April 2014.

The university was under scrutiny by auditors, its accrediting agency and the federal Department of Education. Students were leaving in large numbers, along with administrators Dr. Suber had fired.

“St. Augustine’s was really in sort of turmoil. We needed somebody who would be a stabilizing force,” said Rodney Gaddy, chairman of the board of trustees. The board voted April 10 to name Dr. Ward.

“We’re just in a better place now than where we were,” Mr. Gaddy continued. “There was a lot of uncertainty about the future of St. Augustine’s, and while things haven’t been totally resolved, I have a view that the future is very bright for us.”

Dr. Ward said St. Augustine’s, now with 892 students, is working to attract the best students and to control tuition and other costs. He said the university is focused on its “four academic pillars” — programs in journalism and media, public health, criminal justice, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) courses.

Mr. Gaddy said students would be pleased with the board’s decision.

“Dr. Ward is a great fit for us,” sophomore Stephen McLeon, 25, of Trenton, N.J., said in an interview. “When we see him, he is very excited to interact with the students.

Dr. Ward holds a master’s degree from North Carolina State University and a Ph.D. from North Carolina A&T State University.