
Personality: Arlette J. Teele

Spotlight on Queen of Purple Pumps Chapter of The Red Hat Society

4/16/2015, 9:36 a.m.
Arlette J. Teele founded the Purple Pumps Chapter of the Red Hat Society with the goal of bringing women in …

Arlette J. Teele founded the Purple Pumps Chapter of the Red Hat Society with the goal of bringing women in the Richmond area together “to greet middle age with verve, humor and élan.”

At chapter gatherings, members are colorfully attired in red hats and wear purple shoes, whether they are cowgirl boots, purple heels or purple flip flops as the occasion dictates.

The only requirement for joining: To share the vision of a fun-filled life.

The chapter’s nine active members are celebrating the Purple Pumps’ 10th anniversary this year. So far, the group has marked its anniversary with a gala, the “Black and Bling Soiree,” held March 28 at Club 533. It featured dining and dancing to the musical group “Bak N Da Day.” The club was elaborately decorated with a queen’s throne and a huge, lighted queen’s crown.

Members wore black to the after-five themed banquet and wore black feather head pieces and lots of bling. They also received royal sashes with their royal names affixed and four men were inducted into the Royal Purple Pump Court for their support of the group.

The fun-loving group also hosts monthly tea parties and also dines at local restaurants, goes to movies and museums and attends plays, concerts and sporting events.

They begin each year worshipping in full regalia.

Chapter members are given a royal title and a shoe brand, such as Empress Stiletto, Queen Bandolino, Princess Prada or Queen Flip-Flop.

Founded by “Queen Mother” Sue Ellen Cooper of Fullerton, Ca., and five friends in April 1998, The Red Hat Society has spread the mirth to women across the globe, with more than 20,000 chapters in the United States and more than 30 countries abroad.

Members 50 and over wear red hats, while younger members wear pink and lavender hats.

Ms. Teele, a North Side resident and the Purple Pumps “Queen,” says her chapter seeks to share the national organization’s global vision of connecting women in their “pursuit of fun, friendship, fulfillment” and a “quest foremost for God-centered lives.”

Here’s a look at this week’s Personality, Arlette Teele:

Occupation: Retired computer systems engineer for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Date and place of birth: Sept. 17 in Richmond.

Alma maters with degrees: Armstrong High School, Class of 1965; Career Training Institute, 1970; Sperry Univac, 1977, systems administrator certificate; and Microsoft Corp., 1985, IT computer systems and networks engineer certificates.

Family: I have two sisters, a first cousin who is like a sister, one brother, two brothers-in-law, two nieces, four nephews, two great-nieces and one great-nephew, an aunt and uncle, a host of great-cousins and a devoted friend. Whew, that’s a bunch and a new baby due this year!

Mission of Red Hat Society-Richmond, VA:The Red Hat Society is an international society made up of women of all ages. The society, originally designed as a way for women over 50 to escape the pressures and demands placed on their everyday lives, has matured, growing deeper than “fun and friendship” and includes women of all ages. The Red Hat Society has become a most unique international society as it is dedicated primarily to reshaping the way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in today’s culture. The organization supports and encourages women to pursue fun, friendship, freedom, fitness and the fulfillment of lifelong dreams.

Why I decided to organize a Red Hat Society Chapter: To encourage women in the Richmond area to embrace and to celebrate their lives.  As well, it provides an opportunity for them to realize that there is fun after reaching the beautiful age of 50.  Beside the demands that society places on us as women, we can rise above our many responsibilities and carve out some “me time,” thereby supporting the pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment and fitness with like-minded women, while supporting each other in our individual and collective quests to live life to the fullest!

When the chapter was founded: The Purple Pumps Chapter was chartered Feb. 11, 2005.

Number of members: Headquarters suggests keeping the chapter membership low so that we don’t experience problems getting tickets to events or making reservations at restaurants, etc. However, we have had several people to inquire about membership in The Purple Pumps and we are excited as we anticipate bringing a few new members on board soon.  If anyone is interested in more information or membership, inquiries can be sent via email to PurplePumps@Outlook.com

Brief profile of membership: The average age of Purple Pumps Chapter members is 57. The majority of the ladies are retired.  Our members are spiritual and are members of local churches. Most have other organizational affiliations — civic, political, professional, etc. Some are married, some divorced, some are mothers, some grandmothers, some aunties! We’re all over the place! Each member is known by a royal name of her choosing.

How many Red Hat Society chapters in the Richmond area: To my best knowledge, there are as many as 30 chapters.

Chapter’s relationship to the community: If it’s about fun, the Purple Pumps will attempt to engage! We begin each calendar year worshipping together in full regalia (red hat, purple attire, and purple shoes) at one of the local churches. Although we are not a civic or charitable organization, we have made charitable contributions for various causes, and adopted a family at Christmas.

What makes me tick:  Sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine!

My leadership style: I am a positive thinker who believes that life is about choices, and for every choice, there is a consequence!  I don’t let roadblocks stand in my way! My mantra is, “Let’s get the job done!”

How I unwind:  I listen to smooth jazz with a nice, chilled glass of champagne or homemade sangria. Also, I am spiritually uplifted through my involvement with both First African Baptist Church and Saint Paul’s Baptist Church. I love to be around my family and friends who are a very dear and important part of my life.

Best late-night snack: Pork skins.

The one thing I can’t stand: To hear a woman putting another woman down instead of trying to pick her up, especially without the benefit of having walked in that woman’s shoes.

Quality I most admire in another person:


Person who influenced me the most:First, my mother, the late Eloise B. Jones, and secondly, the late Dr. Dorothy Irene Height, godmother of civil rights.

Greatest source of inspiration: My best friend!

Book I’m reading now: “Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. The Obamas” by Edward Klein.

Best time of my life: Every day that God grants me!

My next goal: Remodeling my home and a trip to Hawaii and the Motherland.