
Church Hill roundabout opens

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 8/7/2015, 1:17 p.m.
The $1.1 million Church Hill traffic circle is now open at 25th Street, Nine Mile Road, Fairmount Avenue and S …

The $1.1 million Church Hill traffic circle is now open at 25th Street, Nine Mile Road, Fairmount Avenue and S Street.

The landscaped circle or roundabout opened Wednesday after several months of construction.

Gone are the traffic lights that controlled the flow. Instead, cars and trucks now must navigate a circular intersection. Approaching vehicles must yield to those in the circle.

“The 25th Street and Nine Mile Road corridor is an important commercial gateway for the East End,” said Councilwoman Cynthia Newbille, 7th District, calling the circle a product of the comprehensive community planning in the district she represents.

Mayor Dwight C. Jones also hailed the project, saying, “This roundabout beautifies this anchor corridor and provides a welcome makeover that will improve traffic flow and safety.”