
Pike statue in D.C. must go

8/7/2015, 2:21 p.m.

The Confederacy was not the result of a North-South split, but was the creation of an Anglo Masonic conspiracy born on the heels of an American Revolution. It was designed to kill the new American Republic and the ideas of the Declaration of Independence from their infancy. It was treason.

The Confederacy ran the South as one enormous slave labor camp, a model for Nazi Germany. It destroyed everyone.

The Confederate Constitution outlawed internal improvements (consider our collapsing infrastructure today). It deleted the concept of “the general welfare” (consider the denial of national interest today). It was committed to the idea of “free trade,” a policy of the British Empire at the time (consider the “New World Order” policy of global control of trade by NAFTA and GATT today). And it codified the existence of slave labor (consider the policy of a global cheap labor pool today).

Albert Pike was a Confederate general and supreme grand commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasons’ Southern Jurisdiction. He also founded the KKK and served as its chief judicial officer.

A statue was built in honor of Mr. Pike in the 1890s in Washington. It stands in Judiciary Square at 3rd and D streets, northwest, in Washington. It’s a symbol not simply of the past, but of current Confederate justice policies in American courts. Dozens of American city councils from Buffalo to Pittsburgh to Birmingham have called for the removal of the Pike statue because it is time to end the myth of the Confederacy.



The writer is executive director of United Front for Justice.