
Trump not qualified to be president

8/28/2015, 11:52 a.m.

It seems to me the Republican Party has turned out to be one big circus, with Donald Trump being the head ringmaster.  Why is that?

It seems that the other candidates have just faded to the back. Don’t get me wrong; I’m enjoying the clown show that the Republican Party is becoming.

If Mr. Trump is the best that the Republican Party has to offer, then they’re in big trouble.

He has no clue about the issues. What’s scary is that he’s leading and that people are buying into his rhetoric. It just goes to show you that money can get you into anything, including the Republican race for the White House.

There should be some sort of rules or guidelines for someone to run for  President, such as previously holding some political office, like mayor, congressman, governor, etc. This race should not be open to some reality show joker who just wants to be relevant.

But hey, who am I to say? 

I’m just a poor black man who understands the issues of poor people better than Donald Trump and the other Republican candidates.

But here’s one thing you might want to think about. 

Suppose Mr. Trump wins the nomination. Then what?

Democrats and independents, we then will need to hit the campaign trail to support a qualified candidate and let our voices be heard!

