
Feeling endangered by police

12/5/2015, 4:38 a.m.

If black cops were killing white men and boys at the rate white cops are continuing to kill black men, boys and Americans of color in general in these United States, there would be a mighty roar emanating from the belly of this country. Yet, there is ominous silence.

It is beginning to seem as if too many white uniformed policemen with high school diplomas have bought into the Trump-type* rhetoric — namely a carryover of the tired code term having to do with “taking back America” heard over and over again in one form or another since Lincoln. They seriously think they are “doing the right thing” when they wantonly kill us.

As a male of color, it has become crystal clear to me that there are white men in police uniforms throughout this country whose personal sentiments about race and what constitutes a mortal danger to this country — and to them as the “first line of defense” — seemingly override any and all fears of being surveilled.

Do I feel endangered? Yes!

*A host of prominent names could be substituted for “Trump,” both recent and from the not too distant past.

