
Tips from rags to riches life

12/5/2015, 4:35 a.m.
Omar Periu is truly a rags to riches story. He came to America at age 7 with his parents who …
Willey Jolley

Willie Jolley

Omar Periu is truly a rags to riches story. He came to America at age 7 with his parents who were escaping Fidel Castro's regime. They came with nothing but the clothes on their backs. He has built an amazing business that has generated millions of dollars and also has been inspiring corporations and individuals for more than 20 years. He specializes in sales, negotiations and wealth building.

Mr. Periu grew up poor, but was always excited about the possibilities for his future. He initially struggled in dead-end jobs but kept thinking and dreaming about success and wealth. At 21, he was working as a personal trainer in Los Angeles. He was training famous people but was only making $127 a month.

But he was developing great relationships. He met a businessman who needed a personal trainer and Mr. Periu helped him get in shape. The businessman liked his ambition and work ethic and, in turn, taught Mr. Periu business principles. They became business partners and started buying a health club business. They bought health clubs that had not been profitable and turned them into profitable enterprises.

Ten years later, Mr. Periu and his partner had 28 health clubs and sold them for more than $20 million. Mr. Periu was now a millionaire.

Today, Mr. Periu shares his story, life and business lessons on main stages around the world. He is presently on the national Get Motivated Tour with Les Brown, Paula White, Clarice Fluitt and me.

During my interview with him, Mr. Periu shared how he went from broke to millionaire and how you can do the same.

• Execute — You must have a purpose and you must have passion. Get real. Get rich.

• Create recurring income money that is made while you sleep.

• Build equity. Once you get money take risks with it. They must be calculated risks, not stupid risks.

• Leverage — Use other people’s contacts, money and influence.

• Focus on the results. 

• Prioritize, analyze, delegate and actualize the game plan.

• Never mistake activity for results. 

• There is no big secret, miraculous or difficult formula to understand. Implementing specific action is what is needed. 

•Seek BLISS — Budget, Learn, Invest, Save, Spend.

• Believe you can have your best year ever ... over and over again.

• Think relationships — you must grow your relationships and your influence by helping others and being a win/win thinker.

• Have daily food for thought — 20-30 minutes a day of positive motivation.

• Be excited about selling — it is critical to grow your wealth.

• To become a master salesperson you need to:

• Prepare.

• Get the money.

• Every day write 10 things you will do tomorrow.

• Talk to 10 more people tomorrow.

• Know your customers needs and wants.

• Be a PPS — A Professional Problem Solver!

• Remember when you come up with solutions, people will give you their money.

• Show solutions and expose your unique selling proposition.

• Close them — Ask for the sale.

• Enjoy making money — it goes with everything.

The writer is the host of a motivational show on Sirius XM Satellite Radio and the opening speaker on the national “Get Motivated” business seminar tour.