
‘Tough times for many’ in early U.S. history

12/5/2015, 4:38 a.m.

As a new resident of Virginia coming from the North, I am amazed at how the “PC” revisionists are defaming 200 years of history and tradition with bands of the Confederate flag. Their total lack of knowledge and perspective is incredible.

As far as perspective, black slavery was terrible but these were tough times for many. How about the tens of thousands of Chinese who were brought in to the West to work the mines and on the railroads? They died by the thousands in these mines and were forced to live in camps, which were hellholes of disease.

How about the Irish who were forced from their families in Ireland because of starvation from British landlords. Forced to live in tenements in the United States, they and their children worked the Northern factories, sweatshops and tunnels and died of industrial accidents, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Seems like Virginia history has left out the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers, both white and black, who were fighting for their states and didn’t want to be subjugated to the bankers and industrialists of the North.

Yes, Virginia was a rebellious state through the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. But Virginians also were a proud and independent people who bowed to no one.


Chesterfield County