
Three words: Trump must go

12/11/2015, 6:59 a.m.

When His Ridiculousness Donald J. Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” the mayor of St. Petersburg, Fla., answered with a ban of his own.

“I am hereby barring Donald Trump from entering St. Petersburg until we fully understand the dangerous threat posed by all Trumps,” Mayor Rick Kriseman tweeted later on Monday.

While the mayor’s prohibition was only tongue in cheek, it is too bad Mr. Trump’s position wasn’t as well. It is clear that this Islamophobic GOP front-runner for the nation's highest office knows nothing about the U.S. Constitution and what fundamental principles his plans for America would trample as he continues to spew fear and bigotry as he campaigns.

Dangerously, his message of hate and of curtailment of the constitutional rights of Muslims in America is being cheered by thousands, particularly in the South, where there is a history of stupidity and fear of African-Americans, Jews, gays and “others.” This is how Hitler gained steam in his terrifying takeover of Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. This, also, is how malevolent and misguided forces in the United States pushed Japanese-Americans into internment camps during World War II.

We add our voice to the chorus of those who understand that for evil to prevail, there must be silence and inaction. Thankfully, many of those voices have come from within Mr. Trump’s own party.

Congressman David Jolly, a Republican from Florida, took to the House floor Tuesday to say it’s time for Mr. Trump to withdraw from the presidential race.

He warned that a President Trump could threaten freedom of religion for people across the nation.

“We must always insist on a security test. But we must never require a religious test,” Rep. Jolly said.

“I’m a born-again Christian. I believe in the saving grace of the Jesus Christ that I call my God. And the beautiful thing about this country is I can stand here on the House floor among my peers and in front of the nation and declare that faith without fear of any reprisal,” he said. “But if Donald Trump has his way, we may not have the liberty to do that anymore.”

We agree. Enough now. Mr. Trump needs to go.