
The biggest threats are the lawmakers

12/18/2015, 7 a.m.

Too many lawmakers do not want to listen to concerns of their constituents. Rather, they want to tell us what our concerns should be. Listening to us might cause them to have to hear about problems they have caused by bad laws they have passed.

When lawmakers control the conversation, they can put up smokescreen issues about external terrorists and other foreign issues while the biggest threats are these lawmakers themselves and laws they hope to pass to steal our homes, pensions, Social Security, etc.

Homegrown terrorists are Section 8 property owners looking for ways to get their hands on their next house. After all, the federal government will reward them for their efforts.

ISIS doesn’t want our Social Security money, Republican lawmakers do. That is why they want to privatize Social Security. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers of the 1980s were involved in the savings and loan scandal that stole people’s money. Three of the Keating Five were Democrats. Republican President Ronald Reagan deregulated the savings and loan industry to allow that thievery to happen. Was Ronald Reagan a member of ISIS?

