
Women should not serve in combat roles

12/18/2015, 7:02 a.m.

In another epic fail of the Obama administration, it was announced that women now will be given combat duty, as well as included in the draft, should one be reinstituted.

 Offering reassurances that women will have to pass the same stringent physical fitness tests as do the men, it was not mentioned that those “standards” have been lowered to accommodate women.

 Another fact that has been suppressed is the dramatic increase of male-on-male sexual assault. Can anyone be surprised considering the lunacy of allowing homosexuals to serve in the military openly and flamboyantly?

 Truly, for those honorable and noble men and women who have chosen to serve this country, these recent social experiments are a devastating blow, a deliberate mockery and demoralizing force.

 To those of us who have not drunk the Kool-Aid of politically correct insanity, it is abundantly clear women and men are completely and beautifully different, a perfect and divinely created complement to one another.

 Feminists love to scream about the “war on women” while at the same time advocate that sisters, mothers, and daughters experience the real terrors of war.

 What kind of man would not be distracted by a female counterpart being wounded or captured?

 I contend that to “train” men to quit being men, to suppress the innate and wholesome characteristic of protecting women and children is to foment a dangerous loss in national character devoid of chivalry, nobility, honor, integrity and respect.

