
Not re-appointing Judge Jamison sets precedent

2/6/2015, 1:19 p.m.

Judge Birdie Jamison has been a judge on Richmond’s General District Court for more than 23 years. She has had no allegations of any unethical actions and no allegations of illegalities. And, certainly, no one can question Judge Jamison’s competence or integrity.

You should not remove a judge because you don’t like her style or because you disagree with her rulings. Judicial independence is the cornerstone of the judicial system. Judges should not be forced to win popularity contests with prosecutors and lawyers. This is what the anonymous surveys by lawyers promote.

While I am glad that Judge Jamison is being replaced by an African-American female judge, this still does not make it right. Not re-appointing Judge Jamison sets a terrible precedent.


Henrico County