
Tax increase will pass to consumers

2/26/2015, 11:46 a.m.

Re “Rich must pay fair share,” Feb. 19-21 edition: After reading Earl O. Hutchinson’s Op/ Ed piece, I was compelled to write in response. The rich already pay an enormous percentage of their income in taxes, and he wants them to pay more?

It is indeed deficit spending that has increased the government debt. While the deficit may be lower, debt is not the deficit. And raising taxes on corporations is the real smoke and mirrors. If corporate taxes are raised, they will simply pass that increase on to the consumer. This is how the government fools the people into paying more of what they earn.

If Mr. Hutchinson would like to see corporations keep more of their money at home, try lowering their tax burden. Any tax increase ultimately is paid from the bottom up, which means the poorest get hurt the most.

Fifty years of tax and spend has nearly brought this country to its knees, and what have we got to show for it? High unemployment, broken families, soaring poverty and loss of hope of ever building a better life for many.

And Mr. Hutchinson thinks we should raise taxes. Maybe it’s time to try something different.

