
‘God alone has the power to bind couples’

7/9/2015, 4:48 p.m.

Re “Go further,” July 2-4 edition:

The Confederate flag must go from government grounds, but states need not ban any symbol, even the Confederate flag, from license plates. Such symbols are important identifiers, especially when such symbols have been definitively defined. Individuals should be permitted to self identify and express themselves.

For example, President Obama, speaking at the funeral for Rev. Clementa Pinckney in Charleston, S.C., gave a poignant description of the Confederate flag as the symbol of the lost cause for slavery and oppression. Hereinafter, the symbol of the Confederate flag on a license plate or anywhere else, other than in a museum or history books, may identify a racist oppressor or a potential racist terrorist.

Perhaps there should be a symbol that identifies commercial establishments that do not wish to provide services to same-sex couples. Surely, no same-sex couples should want to oblige a private enterprise to provide its services for important occasions when so many alternative, willing entities exist.

Government employees should not have the option of not performing their duties and remaining. While a same-sex couple may demand an official service, such as the issuance of a marriage license, why would they want an oppositional officiant to participate in their solemn commitment of marriage? Clergy known to oppose same-sex marriage will not be asked to perform a marriage ceremony by an informed same-sex couple.

God understands loneliness. What greater loneliness can there be than to abide with an inappropriate life companion?

To the clergy: God alone — without your attendance or approbation — joined Adam and Eve as the ideal couple. And, likewise, God alone has the power to bind other couples — with or without you. “What God binds, let no man put asunder.”

I ask any Christian to cite from New Testament Scripture any condemnation made by Jesus about same-sex anything.

