
Like the swastika, Confederate flag stands for hate

7/17/2015, 4:08 a.m.

I am getting sick and tired of hearing people complaining about taking down the Confederate flag at the South Carolina statehouse. What is it with these people always crying the blues over that flag and the fact the South lost the war 150 years ago?

My husband and I took a world trip about 20 years ago. When we visited Germany, we didn’t find a single Nazi flag or its emblem, the swastika. The Nazi flag and swastika mean the same thing to the Jewish people that the Confederate flag means to black Americans. Both flags and emblems mean hate, racism and killing. They both are filled with bitterness and torture. They both represent evil. Why are so many Southern people proud of that?

Indeed, the Confederate flag should be in a museum only to remember the role the Confederacy played in our history — an unfortunate one at that. As a nation, we can only be united under one flag — the Stars and Stripes.

The past is the past. It cannot be undone. There are many more important things to think about, including where our country is headed. There are many issues all of us in this nation should be concerned about.

Get a life, people in the South. Stop living in the past and start living in the present. You can do more good this way than crying the blues over an issue that is long dead and buried in the bins of history.

