
Lighting the way

6/5/2015, 9:08 p.m.

Raymond H. Boone

Raymond H. Boone

Lighting the way

Today, we light a candle for Raymond H. Boone, the late founder, editor and publisher of the Richmond Free Press.

On the first anniversary of his death on June 3, 2014, we remember the light he brought to the Richmond region through his vision and leadership.

His passion for justice, equality and fairness ignited a flame of hope and change in this city.

Mr. Boone stands in the Free Press board room. Below, he speaks to the Occupy Movement.

Mr. Boone stands in the Free Press board room. Below, he speaks to the Occupy Movement.

His desire to empower and uplift the community was put into practice in the columns and editorials of this newspaper through its battles against racism, through holding politicians and elected officials accountable to the people, through educating readers on critical issues and through generating ideas leading to action to benefit the community as a whole.

He believed in the power of ideas, and he had the energy to bring them to fruition.

Mr. Boone also believed in the dignity of the individual, the transformative power of education, the unwavering strength of the First Amendment and the principles of truth, integrity and excellence.

We miss him, and we have heard from scores of readers and people throughout the community that you miss him, too.

We appreciate the foundation he began 23 years ago here at the Free Press. And we want our readers to know that our staff is dedicated to the principles he lived and worked for so tirelessly.

As we mark the anniversary of his death, we at the Free Press pledge to pursue his vision and mission and strive to spread the radiance of the flame he ignited.

Mr. Boone speaks to the Occupy Movement.

Mr. Boone speaks to the Occupy Movement.