
We need to teach our children

6/19/2015, 5:03 p.m.

Re editorial ‘Texas thugs,’ May 21-23 edition:

I did not find your editorial that compared bikers to black hoodlums to be a very helpful analysis.

Some bikers do some of the same things as some black hoodlums, such as being violent, pimping and selling drugs. On the other hand, most bikers do not steal, know how to talk, and do not make any sudden movements when confronted by police.

Black hoodlums are treated badly by their peers and police because of how they act, not because of how they look.

My experience with bikers and black hoodlums has convinced me there is no such thing as a bad person. Both groups come out of cultures that were created by oppression.

It saddens me to see children who are smart enough to become doctors or lawyers, but will never “make it” because of their class or culture. Countries that take care of their children, such as Costa Rica or Norway, do not have our problems.

We need to come together as a broader community to teach our children how to work, how to talk, how to respect authority and take care of others.

