
Every person is made in God’s image

6/27/2015, 1:16 a.m.

I pray for help for the people’s pain at the historic Emanuel AME Church of Charleston, S.C., and especially for the families of the victims and for the deeply wounded souls of the people of Charleston and America.

I pay homage to the life and legacy of South Carolina state Sen. Clementa Pinckney, the church’s pastor, and all of the victims gunned down in this horrific tragedy. They are modern day Christian martyrs in the movement for civil and human rights in America.

America is all too often moving in the wrong direction. Now is the time to move forward — and make a difference — and not backward into pure hatred and racial bigotry.

The struggle continues! Black Lives Matter because every single life is made in the image of God.


Roosevelt, N.Y.

The writer is senior pastor of Mount Sinai Baptist Church Cathedral in New York.