
When Freedom Came series ‘educational and inspirational’

5/1/2015, 4:13 p.m.

Re “When Freedom Came” series, March 26-28, April 2-4 and April 9-11 editions:

I am writing to thank the Free Press for publishing the series written by Elvatrice Belsches on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Richmond’s liberation. I found the series to be both educational and inspirational reporting on the final days of the Civil War. I found the description of the raising of the U.S. flag over the Virginia Capitol after the evacuation of Richmond to be especially poignant.

The range of personal perspectives captured in the series provides the reader with a comprehensive, emotional and insightful view of our city’s important role in the nation’s battle for freedom and the pivotal role that African-Americans played in the liberation of Richmond. 

The series provides a glimpse into a period of history that shaped our commonwealth and helped to form our nation into a more perfect union. 

From the personal accounts of President Lincoln’s visit to Richmond in Part 1; to describing the days leading up to the fall of the Confederacy in Part 2; and lastly, Part 3’s accounting of post-Confederacy Richmond and how Virginia’s public education system evolved from the work of the Freedmen’s Bureau, Ms. Belsches weaves a compelling narrative that brings these fascinating stories and this important history to light.

My hope is that this series will remain accessible for generations to come via your website and serve as a valuable resource to educators, families and historians. 

Thank you Richmond Free Press for this inspiring history lesson!


The writer is Virginia Secretary of Education.