
‘Who are the thugs?’

5/8/2015, 9:56 a.m.

Who are the “thugs” in Baltimore and other cities in America?

I have watched with deepest regret the aftermath that has followed the death of Freddie Gray, who was in Baltimore police custody at the time of suffering severe spinal cord damage that resulted in his death.

Even worse, why did it take so long to get a police report on what took place? It is strange how long it takes to get police reports on certain incidents when black men are killed by police? That alone raises a red flag. Do these people have a conscience that tells them right from wrong?

Among the speakers calling for calm by demonstrators was the governor of Maryland, who referred to those who were being destructive on the streets as “thugs.”

Was it possible that he did not have any idea that their anger, like that of many others across the nation, continues to build up because of all of the black men who have been killed by police? Then the police are acquitted in spite of video, photos and clear evidence.

I believe the definition of “thug” could more easily fit those who are covering up, lying and falsely convicting innocent people than the people the governor referred to. Degrading titles given by people in high places only speaks to their understanding of the true problem. There is a difference between the demonstrators and the people who are responsible for not treating black people with justice.

Those who are responsible to protect all citizens and treat everyone fairly and justly, and those who are responsible to follow the law when prosecuting a case, have had opportunities, education, jobs with good pay and supposedly training for their jobs. Others have been denied nearly everything they have ever needed or tried to work to accomplish.

When people are mistreated over and over, they have no recourse and they resort to venting their anger the only way they know how.

When will America as a nation learn that not one of us is any better than the least among us in the eyesight of God?

I do not by any means condone the actions of the demonstrators. But until truth and honesty are brought to the hearts and minds of responsible people, and they show that sincerely through their actions, there will be no lasting peace.