
Kudos to Jay Z and Beyoncé

5/29/2015, 10:10 a.m.

Re “Jay Z, Beyoncé bailed out Baltimore protesters,” May 21-23 edition:

Many stars and entertainers talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

But the dynamic duo of Jay Z and Beyoncé bailed out Baltimore protesters, as well as some in Ferguson, Mo. They also made a trip to Baltimore to meet with the parents of Freddie Gray, who died from injuries sustained in police custody.

It also has been revealed that this couple wrote huge checks to other worthwhile causes.

Racist incidents seem to be on the increase as of late and we need more people to speak out against it. Treating a person differently because of their skin color is morally wrong. It makes no difference what color skin they have because they are still human beings and should be treated with dignity and respect.

More high-profile entertainers and stars should speak out when they see injustice. This will bring more attention to the problem and ensure it will not be swept under the rug without being investigated.

All I ask for is an equal playing field for everyone, regardless of skin color and race.

In my opinion, racial profiling should be eliminated because it does more harm than good. It is time for this madness to stop and to make America truly a place where there is equal opportunity for all people.

When you stand silently by and say nothing, you, too, are part of the problem. This type of behavior needs to be corrected immediately.

