
Richmond school athletic programs need help

11/25/2015, 10:57 p.m.

I feel profound sadness and dismay about the state of our athletic programs in Richmond. Having been born, raised, educated and employed here, I have witnessed our children being humiliated year after year with no end in sight. As Richmond’s mayor, former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder tried to offer leadership in regards to Richmond Schools by contending that there were too many schools. He was right. Inaction has relegated our schools to second class status. This is not to suggest that athletics is the most important issue facing our schools. Absolutely not!

During the last 20 years, there has been a dramatic decline in our programs. We have a broken system that we have been unable or unwilling to fix. Many of our former coaches and athletes are embarrassed by the state of our once proud programs. We appear to want everyone to “save us,” but only Richmond can rectify this problem. We have taken the path of least resistance, which continues to perpetuate weakness. To stay on this path would be disastrous.

These thoughts are in no way meant to disparage the coaches and athletics of this city. I know they are doing their best under difficult circumstances. Richmonders are concerned with putting roofs over their heads and food on their tables. They entrust educational decisions to our leaders, who continue to let us down.

While Richmond Public Schools has produced outstanding students, I know we could be so much more. The citizens of Richmond know something is terribly wrong. This is simply a suggestion for a better way.

