
‘Where is our Christian humanity?’

11/25/2015, 10:55 p.m.

Re editorial “Think globally,” Nov. 19-21 edition:

The inscription on the Statue of Liberty says, in part, “Give me … your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Perhaps previous generations of our leaders missed the fine print that our current leadership has found that adds “except Muslims.” The European Union nations cannot handle the Middle East refugee problem by themselves.

One of the prime tenants of the New Testament is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” How can we call ourselves a Christian nation if we don’t abide by the teachings of the New Testament?

Where fear exists, love cannot. Where is our Christian humanity?

If the United States will not accept Muslim refugees, then it’s time to dig deeply into our pockets and send money to the European Union to support their efforts to treat our brother humans, the refugees, in a Christian way.

