
Wanted: Another political party

10/2/2015, 9:53 p.m.

Donald Trump’s messages have made it clear that what is needed is a viable third political party to compete with and against the current GOP primitive economic illiteracy and plutocrat philosophy.

A GOP Libertarian or Ayn Rand-type party is not the answer for the country.

The GOP exchequers are placing too much emphasis on debt, deficits and fiscal armageddon rather than focusing on domestic issues and economic growth. Their only agenda cannot be reducing the debt, starting more military conflicts and obstructing the president.

Whenever Republican Party leaders appear before the press, cameras and Sunday morning shows, they make iffy and vague self-aggrandizing statements and comments. The raging hypocrisy of the Christian right pushes the big lie and/or myth that the nation’s founders, through the U.S. Constitution, created a Christian nation. No place in the Constitution did the founders place the words Jesus or God.

It appears that the GOP supports grandstanding from Sens. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and hypocrite Rand Paul against jobs and security for Americans. Thanks to the Republican Party’s racist obstruction against President Obama during the last six years plus, they now find themselves off the presidential political mainstream.

The party has become irrelevant because of their continued lies to the country and right wing conspiracy theories. Fair-minded Americans have known for years that independent-minded, right-leaning Republican intellectuals no longer control the party. It’s a new party that panders to all types of bigotry.

Where have the 9/11 flag-waving and bumper sticker Republicans gone? It’s frightening to think that the hatemongering GOP has caused Speaker of the House John Boehner to resign.

