
American people treated like road kill

10/16/2015, 9:58 p.m.

The Republicans have the gall to call themselves road kill. Under the Republicans, the American people have been repeatedly run down and run over by these hit-and-run politicians.

Chief Justice John Roberts, a Republican appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, watered down the federal Voting Rights Act and ushered in The Citizens United decision that gave corporations control over our elections.

Why is U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, a person calling himself a Christian, a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council, a group that loves laws such as Stand Your Ground that allowed Trayvon Martin to be gunned down? A. L. E. C. also likes restrictive voter laws.

The Republicans love the fact that the wealth gap between the super rich and the super poor is ever widening.

The Republicans have made a sport of treating the American people like road kill.

Naomi Gayle Saunders
