
Armstrong music teacher ‘one of the brightest stars’

10/30/2015, 9:31 p.m.

Re “Armstrong High music teacher fired,” Oct. 22-24 edition:

Armstrong teacher Willie D. “Will” Griffin seems to have separated himself from the box that teachers are expected to live in.

He is an example of someone who has taken it upon himself to raise money that’s not available from the Richmond School Board to make sure his students have the musical opportunities that otherwise would be unavailable to them.

Perhaps asking music students from his eight graduated classes whether he deserves to be fired or to have a pay raise and a part-time assistant would be testimony about his commitment to his students’ success.

Should the School Board determine that Armstrong High School no longer deserves his services, then some other high school in the state will latch on to one of the brightest stars among music teachers available. Armstrong’s loss will be their gain!

