
‘What about white-on-white crime?’

9/25/2015, 7:19 a.m.

Regarding Megyn Kelly of Fox News and her ignorance challenging Professor Cornel West on black-on-black crime.

I would like to tell her, and those who think like her, that there is no such thing. There is only American crime. People tend to kill those in communities in close proximity to them. White people don’t kill white people?

I would like to point out that the majority of serial killers in this country are white. Children killing their classmates in mass school shootings are white. Is there a “daddy issue” there, such as that voiced when a black person kills another black person?

One can only imagine the furor that would erupt if the majority of serial killers were African-American and mass school shootings were perpetrated by black children. There would be much dissection of the black family. I don’t see this happening with serial killers and mass school shooters. Why not?

Crime is an American problem, yet nobody asks, “What about white-on-white crime?”

