
‘Friendly fire’ an excuse to explain away black man’s death

4/8/2016, 7:37 a.m.

I find it troubling that another young black man has been shot and killed by the police and so little attention has been given to it by the news media. In Maryland, a plain clothes black police officer was killed March 13 by what was reported to be “friendly fire.”

First, I’d like to remind you that no fire is friendly.

But we accept the excuse that it was a “friendly fire” and considered an accident to explain away the murder of another young black man. The truth is a black man with a gun at a crime scene was shot and killed without posing any threat. This is becoming all too acceptable by our police and government leaders.

Until we begin to speak up and make some noise about these systematic killings, they will continue. I did not name the murdered police officer because he is just one of many that died the same way. It is not illegal for a black man to possess a gun, especially if it is his occupation. It is obvious that it is acceptable training by our police to shoot any black man with a gun, regardless of weather any threat is posed.

Because the shooter is considered “friendly,” I’m sure he was not punished in any way and allowed to return to work.

So I and my fellow black men must be aware that this killer is still on the loose. One of us just might be next.

