
Ready or not

4/8/2016, 7:29 a.m.

People turned out by the hundreds at Virginia Union University on Wednesday night to get an initial glimpse of the 12 announced candidates who want to become Richmond’s next mayor.

It was the first forum for the candidates, hosted by L. Douglas Wilder, Richmond’s former mayor and a former Virginia governor.

We are heartened by the level of citizen interest and engagement in this critically important contest that is only seven months away.

But like the presidential race that started with a cast of dozens and has devolved at times into a hate-fest, we hope that the mayor-wannabes in this crowded field act with aplomb and respect — both for themselves and for the voters — while articulating a clear vision for Richmond’s future and possible solutions to the myriad of issues we now face.

Personality politics has no place in this election.

We look forward to seeing how the mayoral campaign progresses and who will emerge as the next leader for Richmond.