
‘Put education first’

4/22/2016, 7:10 a.m.

During the past weeks, I’ve attended community meetings, rallies and a mayoral forum — all of which were dominated by citizens’ concerns about our public schools.

Mayor Dwight C. Jones’ 2016-17 budget has again underfunded Richmond’s school system. The proposed relocation of Overby-Sheppard Elementary and the proposed closing of historic Armstrong High School have caused our community to come together in order to make our voices clear: Save our schools.

That these closings are even an option is distressing. Our schools did not crumble overnight. 

The blame for our neglect of our school systems rests chiefly at the feet of our elected officials, both local and state. 

We must demand as citizens not just the $18 million Richmond Public Schools has asked for in this budget, but a new perspective from our mayor and City Council members: Put education first.



The writer is a candidate for Richmond City Council, 6th District.