
‘Every time I read your paper, I feel uplifted’

4/29/2016, 12:53 p.m.

My family just moved to Richmond less than a year ago. One of the first things I did was research local news outlets to see what publications were worth reading.

The Richmond Free Press is my favorite because it gives me the rest of the story — the things that people here actually care about in their communities, rather than just petty or sensational headlines.

There is always reporting on the good news that everyone else overlooks. Recently, it was the couple giving away surplus food (“Unsold food is ‘a godsend,’ ” April 14-16 edition). And a few months ago, it was the Henrico girl fighting to change Byrd Middle School’s name (“Stained by dishonor,” Feb. 11-13 edition).

Every time I read your paper, I feel uplifted rather than just upset by crime reports. The Richmond Free Press feels like the real community-building paper that Richmond needs.

I know your news is oriented toward a black audience. But even though I’m not of much color (OK, I’m white), as an avid reader of everything and admirer of great writing, I do hope the newspaper regularly reaches a wider audience than one limited to race.

Congrats on your latest slew of awards (“Free Press wins big,” April 14-16 edition)!

