
Mitchell crafting his own future at VUU

12/9/2016, 10:06 p.m.
It was a long and rocky road — cluttered with pitfalls — that led John Mitchell to Virginia Union University. …

It was a long and rocky road — cluttered with pitfalls — that led John Mitchell to Virginia Union University.

The VUU senior tells of a heartbreaking ordeal of youth survival. But here’s the good news: The “John Mitchell Story” appears headed to a smiley-face ending.

Now 25, the 6-foot-9, 230-pound native of Harlem, N.Y., is averaging 8.4 points and 9.6 rebounds while hitting 63 percent from the floor for Coach Jay Butler’s improved Panthers.

Better yet, the former high school dropout is on track for a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a minor in psychology.

There was a time when none of that seemed in the cards.

“I got the bitter end of the stick,” Mitchell said of his formative years. “I wish it had been different, but I learned a lot from it.”

His mother died a tragic death when he was only 16. Soon after, he dropped out of the High School of Economics and Finance in Manhattan after completing one year and never having gone out for basketball.

“My only basketball was on the streets,” he recalled with a shrug of his shoulders.

He bounced around from one foster home to another and at one time lived in a group home. Resisting temptation for what he called “short-cuts,” he earned his GED and landed a job with a program called American Building Maintenance. Mostly it involved janitorial work.

“I had one job cleaning up at the Fashion Institute of Technology, a mostly girls’ school,” he said with a laugh.

In time, his towering frame drew attention on the Big Apple’s competitive asphalt courts. He was invited to play in a Reebok-sponsored tournament on an outdoor court near Harlem’s Kennedy Community Center.

“I think I got about 16 points and 11 rebounds, and that’s where the ASA coach saw me,” Mitchell recalled.

ASA College has five campuses, including one in Manhattan, and offers associate degrees. With no formal hoops background, Mitchell was offered a scholarship to ASA’s junior college program.

Mitchell led the ASA Avengers in rebounding as a sophomore and word of his power game began to spread.

“I had five Division I offers, including Iona (N.Y.), plus endless Division II’s,” he said.

He chose VUU in part because of its rich tradition — three NCAA Division II titles and a jaw-dropping string of bona fide big men.

“I got to talk to Ben Wallace on my recruiting trip and he was very impressive,” said Mitchell.

Mitchell is blossoming in his second season on Lombardy Street.

On Nov. 30 at the University of District of Columbia, he enjoyed a game even Wallace would be proud of. In a 71-69 win, Mitchell was 8-for-8 from the floor for 16 points. Plus he corralled 12 rebounds as VUU moved to 6-2.

“Not many are as athletic and strong as John on this level,” said Coach Butler. “He’s very hungry for success. And we all have dreams he will play somewhere on the next level.”

Butler added this:

“And considering where he’s come from, John doesn’t take anything for granted. He’s among our hardest workers.”

For an athlete who never played high school basketball, Mitchell has risen to uncommon heights — and he’s in no mood for hanging up his sneakers.

“I want to keep playing for as long as possible,” he said with a confident smile.