
Remain vigilant during the holidays

12/10/2016, 8:09 a.m.

With crimes and homicides spiking this year, one must be aware of their surroundings at all times. With the holiday season in full force, more criminals are now on the prowl. We must be the eyes and ears of the community and inform police when a crime is observed.

The only way to reduce some of these crimes is to get these criminals off the street. The police department cannot solve all of these crimes by themselves; they need people to get involved.

Some observers will witness a crime but feel their information is not important until it affects their family, and then they are ready to talk. This should not be the case. We need to let the criminals know that we are not going to sit idly by while citizens and babies are being shot and crimes steadily are being committed.

The police department needs our help ASAP. We must work together to send a message to the criminals that we no longer will let them destroy our city with violence.

To the Free Press readers: Remain safe and vigilant, especially during the holidays. Happy New Year to one and all.



The writer is a former interim superintendent at the Richmond Juvenile Detention Center.