
Moving forward

12/16/2016, 9 p.m.

We are relieved the investigation of Mayor Dwight C. Jones’ administration and the alleged use of city resources in the construction of the new Chesterfield sanctuary by the mayor’s church, First Baptist Church of South Richmond, has been completed.

The good news for both the mayor, whose term in office ends in just a couple of weeks, and the city: No criminal wrongdoing was found in the investigation led by Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael N. Herring.

The Virginia State Police and the FBI were involved in the investigation launched in January 2015. The most damaging part of the report concluded that while the practice of Mayor Jones employing church members in executive level positions within the city smacked of cronyism, the practice is not criminal.

“The investigation revealed the ease with which dual priorities for City of Richmond employees leads to the appearance of impropriety, at a minimum,” Mr. Herring’s report stated.

It suggested the need “for serious public discussion — perhaps among newly elected officials — regarding how these practices undermine confidence in our city government.”

We are heartened that no criminal activity was found by investigators. Such a finding would have undercut Mayor Jones’ positive accomplishments for the City of Richmond during his eight years in office.

We thank him for his record of service to the city and wish him well in his future endeavors.

And we look to the future success of the city under the new leadership of Mayor-elect Levar Stoney and a new City Council.

We hope they will take to heart the lessons of the Herring report and work to ensure that cronyism through church affiliation isn’t supplanted with cronyism from within the Democratic Party, state government or other affiliations.

Cronyism for whatever reason is abhorrent. Our city is facing serious problems. And we need the best talent possible to bring clear and workable solutions to those problems. Creative minds, with an emphasis on fairness, inclusion, transparency and accountability, will help Mayor-elect Stoney move the city forward.