
‘People are disgusted’ by candidates’ name calling

2/19/2016, 9:15 p.m.

Soon, the airwaves will be filled with political attack ads as the Republican and Democrat candidates move South for the next round of presidential primaries.

I think most people are disgusted with their nasty, name-calling ads.

It has been my pleasure to observe children playing in the sandbox and they get along far better than the political candidates running for the nation’s highest office.

The candidates have forgotten the meaning of the word courtesy. Their parents need to forcibly grab them by their ears and remind them they were not raised to act like a bunch of rude, spoiled children.

The worst offender is Donald Trump.

If he wins the election, I think he will be terribly disappointed. He doesn’t want to be president of the United States. He wants to be CEO of the United States.

Contrary to what people think, the president cannot do a lot without Congress.

