
Email issue will follow Clinton if she wins nomination

2/26/2016, 12:56 p.m.

The big picture is the very real likelihood that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president and should not be underestimated about getting into the White House.

If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, the email issues — exclusive use of a home private server and personal emails while secretary of state — will be front and center and linked to other foreign affairs and national security issues, including her vote on the Iraq war, the embassy attack in Benghazi, Libya, and the post-Gaddafi turmoil. That’s along with any ongoing FBI or new congressional investigations.

It’s hard to imagine that the negative attacks and ads that will come from the Trump campaign would not be a big problem for anyone, even the Clintons, to overcome.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign pass on pursuing this very serious issue during the Democratic primary doesn’t lessen its importance as a national security issue, especially when cyber attacks are a major threat to the homeland.

Sen. Sanders’ pass on attacking Mrs. Clinton on this issue is in keeping with his campaign’s moral compass and style. That doesn’t mean it should be left out of the primary campaign conversation in such a tight race. It will be a major issue in the general election that can’t be overlooked now. 

Primary voters and the public deserve to know about all of this. This presidential race is pivotal by any standard and the Clinton emails issue speaks to judgment on both sides.

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn said “all’s fair” in campaigns during an interview about his endorsement of Mrs. Clinton. Sounds like a prediction and a heads up to Sen. Sanders.

