
Apology please

1/22/2016, 1:05 p.m.

We are waiting for all the haters out there to apologize to President Obama.

The “birthers,” as they have been dubbed, made such a clamor in challenging where President Obama was born and whether he legally was able to hold the office of president of the United States.

Even as we near the end of the president’s second term, some die-hard birthers still insist that his birth record from Hawaii is fake and that he was actually born in Kenya, the homeland of his father.

The U.S. Constitution says that only “natural born” citizens can be president.

Enter Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada. But Sen. Cruz and his supporters say he’s eligible to be president because Sen. Cruz’s mother was a U.S. citizen. His father was born in Cuba.

Using Sen. Cruz’s claim that a natural-born U.S. citizen includes a person born anywhere in the world to a mother who is a U.S. citizen, then President Obama is owed a big apology.

President Obama’s mother was born in Kansas and was a U.S. citizen.

Let’s see what the birthers say and do now.