
Presidential candidates profess to love the Lord but ignore message

1/22/2016, 1:09 p.m.

Re editorial “Fat Cat Tuesday,” Jan. 7-9 edition:

Too many people who profess to love the Lord show by their actions that their true love is money when the CEO of Walmart has a salary 1,034 times that of the median employee salary. He is someone who doesn’t mind losing his soul so long as he can gain the whole world.

The entire slate of Republican candidates for president profess to love the Lord while ignoring Christ’s admonishment about greed.

Christ tells us to not pile up treasures on Earth. Because our hearts are where our treasures are, Christ tells us that we cannot serve God and material wealth. Christ told the young man to sell his wealth and to follow Him. The young man chose his material wealth.

Christ condemned the scribes and Pharisees who stole other people’s homes and then for a pretense made long prayers. Christ condemned the scribes and Pharisees for extortion and excess. Christ told them if they had done it unto the least of these, they had done it unto Him.

The entire slate of Republican presidential candidates not only ignore Christ’s message, they make excuses for the pretend prayers by talking about how they “earned” such exorbitant amounts of earthly wealth.

These candidates pretend to care about hunger while keeping federal minimum wages low to create the hunger. They steal homes, pensions, salaries and savings from others while pretending to make long prayers.

Will the CEO of Walmart be looking up to heaven and begging Lazarus for a drink of water?

