
Primary vote

1/22/2016, 1:02 p.m.

Like bad pennies, Sarah Palin and Bill Clinton have turned up again.

This time, both are back on the campaign trail.

The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate is stumping in her unique way for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. The former president is on the stump for his wife, Democrat Hillary Clinton, who wants to return to the White House as president.

Sarah Palin and Bill Clinton each lug with them plenty of baggage, too much to detail in this space and so much we would like to forget.

It was a given, however, that the public would be seeing Bill Clinton making speeches and appearances for Hillary Clinton. After all, they are still married.

But Sarah Palin …

Either Mr. Trump is desperate or he wants to tap into the airhead vote.

Two weeks out from the all-important Iowa caucuses, we believe The Donald wants to flush out supporters by any means necessary in this first major test of voter support.

Voters in Virginia will have the opportunity to cast a ballot for their choice for their nominee in the Republican and Democratic primaries on Tuesday, March 1.

Participation in the primary election is essential if you want your voice to be heard in the selection of a candidate to run for president.

If you are not registered to vote in Virginia, you have until Monday, Feb. 8, to register in order to cast a ballot in the primary.

Additionally, Virginia law allows 17-year-olds to vote in the March 1 primary if they will turn 18 by the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 8.