
Seniors wage fight against TV cable

1/22/2016, 1:09 p.m.

I live in a high-rise building along with 200 senior tenants. We are forced to deal with Comcast and the cable company’s high prices.

I moved into my building in September 2013 and was paying $190.99 for Comcast’s Triple Play. Now I pay $210.05. A lot of seniors downgraded their cable service because they cannot afford to pay these high prices.

All the senior high-rise buildings are run by Comcast. We can’t have DIRECTV or dish network, etc.

I am standing up for the seniors. It seems to me that our government is all right with the way Comcast is treating seniors. Maybe it’s because no one is speaking up for them.

Well, I’m here to tell you that I will be their voice and this letter will be sent to every newspaper I can think of to let people know how seniors are being treated by Comcast.

Something needs to be done about it.


Wilmington, Del.