
‘It should not come as a complete shock’

7/15/2016, 10:21 a.m.

In the aftermath of the Dallas shooting tragedy, television pundits are attempting to make sense of it all. That a black man would set upon police officers with a high-powered weapon and voice desire to kill white people, especially white officers, is astonishing to many.

I would suggest, very unfortunately, that it should not come as a complete shock.

Frustration has mounted with each revelation of cowardly and sinister action conducted by law enforcers resulting in lost lives of black citizens such as Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Walter Scott and now Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Ironically, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, in a 1996 speech in support of her husband's crime bill, uttered the term “super predators” in describing a segment of the community that needed to be met with force. This continues to illustrate the manner in which law enforcement chooses to approach the black male.

The Black Lives Matter movement is being assailed as fermenting the climate for hostilities toward the police and giving tacit encouragement to those who want retaliation for police violence. But in fact, the movement is crying out for change to end the prevailing injustice that permeates our society.

Also of note, the gunman — if he so wanted — certainly could have gunned down white bystanders if that was his objective. He clearly developed a vendetta against policemen.

My heart goes out to the fallen officers and those who love them. I also feel for the mother and father of the shooter who gave their son the name of a prophet. Seemingly decent people do dreadful things every day. Despair can often lead to desperation. Remember Nat Turner ...


Henrico County