
‘$20 at the store doesn’t do anything but make you sad’

7/29/2016, 7:47 p.m.

I am a reader of your newspaper. And many times, you have things in your paper that hit home with me.

I am 71 years old and live on North Side. I am thankful to the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority for low-income housing.

But this year, the government wrote all of us who get Social Security saying the cost of living has not gone up and there would be no increase.

They must be talking about their cost of living not going up.

I get a small Social Security payment and I hardly have enough money to buy healthy food, fresh veggies and eggs when I need them. The cost of living has gone up; $20 at the store doesn’t do anything but make you sad. That can’t cover weekly fresh food bills.

I came out of school at 16 years old and now I am too sick to work. My life says the cost of living has gone up. I guess the government has something else to do with the money.

Still, I am thankful I get something that keeps me from being homeless and on the street. I thank God for that mercy.

