
Kudos to committed Dominion workers

6/24/2016, 10:34 a.m.

During the latest episode of storms, we had plenty of lightning, high winds and rain that caused power outages in many areas. Many of the trees and power lines had fallen, which caused a dangerous situation. Many of the Dominion workers worked double shifts around the clock until this situation was resolved. You could see Dominion employees working morning, noon and night.

I appreciated the constant updates they gave me on their progress in my area. Some of my neighbors got power before me, but I remained patient and knew they were doing their best and my electricity would be restored sooner or later. It came on about 5 p.m. Sunday.

A lady said that she asked one Dominion worker why he was working a double shift on Father’s Day and he replied it was necessary until he got all of his customers straight.

This, my friends, is what I call commitment.

Dominion workers, I, along with others, would like to thank you for your dedication and perseverance in ensuring we have power in our homes and businesses. To you, we send out a big salute.

