
‘City is having an uplift, but not the people’

3/17/2016, 11:51 p.m.

I have lived in Richmond for a number of years and it’s funny how some things remain the same and others are done with a different twist, but the results are identical.

While there are different faces, nothing really happens to benefit the poor and downtrodden. My concern is about those who have to suffer because of someone else’s decisions or neglect. I thought that when the people elect officials, those officials are supposed to represent the people. The people are supposed to be the boss.

I have been watching the Richmond City Council meetings for a while now and it seems that when a legitimate concern is brought up, City Council attempts to cut the speakers off with the 30-second limit. The money that is used or wasted could be used for the betterment of all people.

People are getting tired of being lied to or played cheap. The city is having an uplift, but not the people.

We must remember that we all have to answer for what we’ve done with things entrusted to us.

