
‘Our kids deserve the best’

3/17/2016, 11:51 p.m.

Re “Planned school cuts causing pain,” March 10-12 edition:

Children are our future and need to be treated like that. But because the schools will not receive the amount of money that is needed, cuts will be taking place. Our students need money in the budget so that they can learn and raise their learning curve.

It seems that Mayor Dwight C. Jones has other projects that he thinks are more important than our students’ education. We also have many schools that have mold and are not a fit environment in which students can learn. We seem to have enough money for other matters like the Washington NFL team. So why is this matter of dealing with the schools being put on the back burner?

The future is now and our students need all the help they can get, as well as a positive environment in which to learn. Some eventually will be doctors, lawyers and go into other professions and careers. But they need a helping hand to move up the ladder in the classroom.

Smaller classes and increased teacher pay can make all the difference in the world. The more qualified teachers we get can influence our students to move forward and rise to the top.

Our kids deserve the best and this issue needs to be treated that way.

