
GOP: ‘Modern-day plantation owners’

3/25/2016, 1:04 a.m.

The modern-day Republican Party is a very destructive force. They want to destroy Hillary Clinton’s chances for becoming president so that they can rule over this country Jim Crow-style.

Ted Cruz and company want to be modern-day plantation owners. There will be no escape from them. Many believe prisons and lethal injections are meant for black people. White people do not commit crimes. White people suffer from “conditions.”

For example, a white man who kills four people with his car suffers from “Affluenza.” A white man who plans and then kills a dozen people in a Colorado movie theater has a “mental” condition that will have to be treated for the rest of his life.

When mostly black people were caught with heroin and other deadly drugs, it was a “crime.” Now that more white people are caught with deadly drugs, it has become a “condition” that needs to be treated. After all, we do not want to throw all of these white drug users in prison.

A black man stealing $200 in merchandise gets a long prison sentence. Neil Bush and the Keating Five get no prison time for the savings and loan scandal that cost average citizens millions of dollars.

Chief Justice John Roberts, a Republican on the U.S. Supreme Court, watered down the federal Voting Rights Act. Black lives can be taken at will. “Stand your ground” laws make that possible.

Frightened yet?

You should be.

Modern-day Republicans have too much of an Aryan race mentality.

