
Just hit ‘off’ switch

5/13/2016, 7:47 a.m.

Is watching the GOP’s political news broadening your 4-year-old’s vocabulary? Are they using terms like S.O.B. in front of grandma because John Boehner taught it to them?

Wouldn’t you love Ted Cruz to teach your 4-year-old’s Sunday school class and talk to them about the ultraconservative American Legislative Exchange Council or the KKK?

They could come home asking why Jesus and his disciples weren’t members of such groups. After all, Sen. Cruz, who professes to be a Christian, is a member of A.L.E.C.

Then the same 4-year-olds could go the next Sunday to hear from Donald Trump. They would come home with an odd inferiority complex after the 69-year-old Mr. Trump tells them that they are ugly.

All 4-year-olds should be so lucky as to have double chins, wrinkles and a hairdo that looks like a vulture’s nest.

If your 4-year-old comes home looking battered and bruised, The Donald loves to tell his followers to beat people up. The Good Samaritan never would be allowed in Mr. Trump’s Sunday school class.

If you find the GOP political news to be “too entertaining” for your 4-year-old, then hit the TV’s “off” switch. Grandma also will thank you.

If you yourself find the GOP to be too much — too much hate, racism, narcissism and mean-ness in general — then hit the “off” switch on them in November!

